About Coach Teresa
My journey to navigate grief, like yours, is ever changing. From remembering the loss of a brother at an early age, to the most current loss of my mom in 2022.
With every new loss, the previous ones come back to remind us that they are still with us.
Sometimes it’s hard to hear that our grief will never go completely away. When we are in those very raw early months of grief … It is our wish, right? We just want it to go away.
Learning to navigate through grief when there is a new loss, is something I have experienced over and over again.
This was the case when two of my daughters started experiencing infertility struggles as well as having multiple miscarriages. I began to grieve for my daughter’s loss, and for those grandchildren I would never see or hold on this earth.
At that time, I realized I still had some unresolved grief from my own two miscarriages that I had experienced years ago. Add to that, the loss of a brother that was stillborn when I was 11 years old.
Thankfully, at the time of my daughters’ losses … I was working at a local funeral home, where I received a great deal of support.
During that time, and still today, close friends and family members open up about the loss they have experienced.
I hear stories from parents, siblings, a spouse, friends … those experiencing infertility and miscarriages like my daughters … stillbirth & infant loss. I always take time to listen, support and help guide them through their grief.
I believe that the grief within you does not grow larger with every loss. YOU are the one that grows.
The wonderful news is, after all three of my daughters were given an infertility diagnosis … all three now have a child. Three strong, independent, only-child miracles. They each sure love their cousins! These are the grandchildren I see and hold often.
With my struggle to find more support personally and for my daughters, the light bulb went off. I had pitched an idea of writing a book to give support and let others know … You Are Not Alone.
While there is no book YET … my weekly podcast spreads awareness about infertility and loss. Women and men sharing their stories of infertility, loss, and grief is so empowering and healing.
When they use their voice to help and support others … hope and healing happens. Yes, they are growing.
One year exactly, after deciding to launch a podcast … I felt a huge tug on my heart to do more. Well, I’m not sure if you believe in God, the universe or higher power … I do. I sensed a calling on my life.
And so, the studying began and will always continue … to be a compassionate companion to those that have experienced loss. I hold a grief certification from the Institute of Life Coaching Training (ILCT), a companion certificate with the National Share organization. I am also a certified Master Practitioner and trainer of Neuro Linguistics Programming and Integrated Time Line Therapy.
In addition to my previous work at a funeral home for over 15 years, I have interviewed and coached people for over eight years, that have experienced infertility struggles, and those that have lost a child during pregnancy or infancy.
I use my education, experience, and calling to guide and support people in navigating through grief in a hopeful and healing way. When they can be heard and understood in their grief … they re-engage in living life again.
Working with women who are grieving from the struggles of infertility and the loss of a baby during pregnancy or infancy, is my mission today. I support my clients in understanding their grief, guiding them to find their individual ways to navigate the daily triggers, and finding their supportive tribe so they can share their story to honor their baby and themselves.
Through my program, I will help you recognize, navigate and cope with the emotions and triggers. This leads to creating a happy life again, by feeling heard and understood.
I believe every woman can live a happy whole life again, after this type of traumatic loss.
Outside of my love of coaching, I love spending time with my husband, daughters, and my three miracle grandchildren, relaxing with a glass of wine while listening to live music, being surrounded by family and friends, and doing any and everything in the outdoors.
How can I help you?
- Identify what's been holding you back on moving forward in your grief journey
- Assess where you are currently
- Gain clarity about your unique grief work process